Use Kindred Spirits’ Perfect Mate oil when you feel you are ready for someone who will balance and support a co- created relationship where love, compassion, kindness, and a mutual respect for one another may live and thrive.
Perfect Mate
All of Kindred Spirits’ fragrance oils may be used to anoint candles, in a diffuser, enchant an environment, and to make bath soaps and or lotions.
All of Kindred Spirits’ Oils are for Spiritual use and are considered Fragrance oils. Before using any of the Kindred Spirits’ Fragrance oils, please test on a small area of your skin before applying oil to a larger area on your body. This allows for you to see if there are any skin sensitivities to the oils of your choosing. It is best to store Kindred Spirits’ oils in a dark and dry cool place. There is no expiration date for these fragrance oils and they never lose their scent.