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Virgo Season Horoscopes for All Signs

Declutter Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Find Clarity Through Organizing Your Space

Find A Sense of Renewal in Daily Rituals

Use Discernment to Filter Your Thoughts and Emotions 


Virgo is a very spiritually oriented energy. The act of becoming consumed by a task, a ritual or a routine, can be a form of meditation. Taurus, this season gives you the opportunity to establish a stronger connection to your sense of inner peace and trust. Specifically, you may find this during leisure time. The Medicine that you need this month is a dollop of creative outlets.  Focus on the small, easy ways that you can engage with something light-hearted. There may be a strong longing to have more resources to support your desired lifestyle. This season provides some support in finding a sense of hope and renewal in creative projects. This time allotted to lightness can give you the energy and the inner peace to attract more abundance into your life. 


This is the time of year that centers you and your general life direction. Do you feel aligned with how you are showing up right now? Virgo is an energy that traditionally represents providing medicine for ailments, illnesses, and injury. As you embody Virgo in this life, you are the Medicine. You are the Solution. The Helper of the zodiac, you tend to solve problems, fix issues, and diffuse chaos. You take on the role of the Earthly Healer. Using grounded and realistic methods of improving circumstances and offering help. This season offers you the opportunity to check in with this role that you are playing. Does it still feel natural? Does it feel limiting at all? Is there anyone in your life that provides you with ‘medicine’ for your problems? Take some time this month to consider how to establish more balance and trust within your closest relationships. Reflect on how taking on the role of helper for others can also be a form of distraction from confronting your own problems. This energy is asking you to focus on becoming more comfortable with communicating what your needs are and how to meet them to the safe people in your life.


These next few weeks provide you with an opportunity to find small, manageable ways to establish trust in the process and find flow with the open-ended paths ahead of you. A lot of Capricorns may be in the market for a new work environment during this season. Whether it is looking for a brand-new opportunity or a way to improve your existing environment, Virgo season comes to aid in the process of solving this issue for the benefit of your well-being overall. There may be a restlessness that you have been feeling about locking down a sense of direction and securing the next step. Virgo Season may help lift this burden of aimlessness by helping you focus on what small steps forward you can take each day to get closer to more solid options. Something as simple as decluttering your daily workspace so that you feel more energetically clear. This can help you be receptive and prepared for when opportunity strikes. 


Virgo Season may draw you home for the next few weeks. Perhaps this is a time of retreat into comfort, privacy and familiarity. This year you may be learning more about yourself, how you show up in the world, and the role you have been asked to play so far. The Universe may also be asking you to have patience when it comes to achievement and reaching milestones. You are learning how to acknowledge the results of your efforts for yourself and how to gracefully receive acknowledgement for your successes and setbacks in the eyes of others. You may be coming into a higher position of authority or status this year and the Universe is asking you to have meaningful intentions for these greater responsibilities. Throughout Virgo Season, is a supportive time for recharging and reminding yourself where you come from and who you really are outside of external opinions or expectations. Take some time to stay at home or with people who know you best. Replenish your health, both physically and spiritually by connecting to the root of who you are this season.   


During Virgo Season this year, you are encouraged to indulge in moments of quiet and solitude so that you may connect more closely with your inner voice.  So far, this year may be asking you to put forth more effort in your daily routines. Maybe there is more emphasis on your work or health and a need to take those topics more seriously. Throughout this season, you will be provided with the time and space for the next few weeks to balance out the seriousness of your everyday tasks by escaping in healthy ways. Allowing yourself to ignore the ticking clock and making space to be in flow and escape stress for moments at a time will help replenish your spirit. There may be a longing for a path and purpose to show up soon and this season will aid you in decluttering your mind and soul to prepare for receiving more abundance of paths forward in the near  future. 


Virgo Season is a time each year where being kind to yourself is very important. Over the last several months, the Universe has been asking you to focus on building up a sense of trust in yourself. Trusting your ability to take care of your needs and support your desired lifestyle. There is an ocean of spiritual wisdom available to you, Aquarius, when you trust yourself enough to listen more closely to your inner understanding than the external forms of measurable advice. This season encourages you to face some of those parts of yourself that may be in need of kindness and understanding. The parts of yourself that lose trust in the Universe’s intelligence due to overthinking and over-critiquing. Moving forward, there are opportunities that can help you revitalize your creative energy; however, this Virgo season is here to give you the time and space to throw a life jacket to the parts of you that are still weathering a storm.


This year might have brought up themes around moving on from what you are familiar with and contemplating how to move into unknown territory. The process may feel slow and or maybe even stagnant. Either way, there is a focus on gaining trust in your spiritual wisdom. Cancer being naturally attuned to a form of emotional intelligence, this year may have planted a seed to wield that knowledge more responsibly, wisely, and openly. Virgo Season gives you an opportunity to focus on your daily activities. How are you clearing your mind in small, manageable ways to make space for that ever-growing emotional wisdom? Cancer, you are a great communicator when you can learn to articulate your feelings accurately and aid others in naming their feelings as well. Consider all of this for Virgo Season this year. 


As the year progresses the main message you may have noticed is one of having patience in the face of dullness and seriousness. Scorpios understand that life can have its dreary and dark moments, and this year may be presenting you with moments of deep introspection and healing.  However, what this year is also activating in your energy is how to be more intentional with your creative time. It may feel like there is not any time or even a reason for celebration or playfulness; however, the Universe is asking you to put more effort into carving out this time for yourself. You are being asked to have more moments of leaning into fantasy, imagination, and romanticizing your own life for the sake of your soul’s well-being. Virgo Season will be aiding you in finding supportive groups of people to lean on in this way. Whether it be a local community, a group of friends, or an online community, this season encourages you to reclaim a healthy relationship with lightness. 


This is a turning point for you, Pisces. Well, the whole year has been really. You are rebuilding yourself in a way. The Universe is asking you to take time to see yourself in a more grounded and realistic way. These personal observations may sting but overall, you are becoming more intentional with your presence. During Virgo Season, there is an opportunity to pour some sense of renewal into the close connections around you. As a Pisces, this earth sign is one that helps to bring balance to your flowy and open nature. It is important to reflect on how your close relationship may be supportive in helping you embody more “Virgo” qualities. Becoming less passive in the face of discomfort. Learning to trust your ability to solve a problem by getting your hands dirty rather than floating around the issue. People come into your life to help you develop these traits that may not come easily to you. This season, take some time to notice if the support from others is coming in the form of encouragement or judgment and how you can communicate your needs in a more helpful way. 


Virgo Season marks the half-way point of the astrological year. These next few weeks will encourage you to set intentions to take care of your well-being in both grounded and ethereal ways. So far this year, life may be presenting you with experiences that require you to slow down, be quiet, and connect with parts of yourself that usually seem a mystery to you. The Universe has been asking you to take your inner world more seriously. You are encouraged to put more energy into establishing a deeper connection to your inner life. You are growing up and the world’s external influences do not need to be your only source of guidance. Virgo Season supports these efforts by drawing your attention to your everyday routines. How do these routines create ease versus stress? Where does stress show up in your body? This season gives you time to focus on these areas of your body that need aid. What tools or daily rituals can help you to ease any tension in your body and create that inner sense of peace routinely? 


Learning when to keep your heart open has been a theme for you this year. The Universe is encouraging you to establish a strong trust in yourself. Specifically, when it comes to trusting yourself to choose safe people. These safe people can then become relationships of depth for you. Throughout this year, you are being supported as you establish a protective shield around your heart. Not one that keeps everyone away, but a shield of compassion that keeps you safe from those that are not ready to learn what triggers you, what soothes you and why. This year is about intimacy and depth and knowing when to be open and when to be protective. During Virgo Season, you are encouraged to focus on the small, ordinary ways that you can show up for yourself. As a Leo, there may be an assumption that you are charming, creative, playful, and a natural leader. However, what might not be so obvious to others, is that all of those vibrant traits are possible because you are considerate, precise, and conscientious.  Virgo season is here to help you appreciate your ability to solve problems thoughtfully, and help life run smoothly. Appreciating your valuable qualities will help you protect your heart as you search for safe people to share your life with. 


As the Adventurer of the Zodiac, Sagittarius, you are always looking just over the horizon for what life may present to you. There is always something to look forward to, discover or to long for. Sagittarius is an energy that seeks a purpose. Having a purposeful target to aim for sparks energy and motivation. So far, over the course of this year, the Universe has been encouraging you to focus more intently on your roots- your foundation. Where do you come from? In what world did you come of age and how does that relate to the world you are exploring now? You have been encouraged throughout this year to take your sense of rootedness more seriously than, perhaps, you have previously. During Virgo Season, there is an opportunity to also focus on your external life to balance out the energy. Virgo encourages you to assess your relationship to success, setbacks, and to the public’s perception of your personal achievements and setbacks. In what small and ordinary way can you appreciate the steps forward and the steps backward that you are taking each day as you choose to respond to external demands? Focus on how reconnecting to your roots can aid you in meeting these external responsibilities comfortably and with ease.  



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