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Pisces Season Horscope for All Signs



February 18th - March 20th, 2025


Trust That The Answers Will Come in Time

Connect With The Water Element To Soothe and Replenish the Soul

Find Serenity Within As Chaos Unfolds Around Us

Stay Soft In Moments Of Uncertainty 

Lean Into The Chaos



You have entered the part of your year, Aries, that asks you to take your foot off of the gas. Pisces is here to encourage you to take a break, and practice restful and restorative activities during this time. In a couple of weeks, it will be your season, and you will be encouraged to take the reins yet again. For now, there is an opportunity to care for your soul from within. Think about your relationship to action versus inaction. Where is your attention drawn to if you sit still? Pisces season is a time of year for you to deepen your connection to your inner voice. Take this time to dream alone and to rest alone. You can sleep this whole time and restore your energy for the next Astrological cycle. Connect with your spiritual practice, and pay attention to how your body and mind communicate with you when there are no external distractions. 


Forgiveness is one of the main lessons laced within Pisces’ personal growth arc. The destination is not simply to forgive but rather to give grace to the soul in its entirety before, during, and after times of pain, disappointment, and aimlessness. Pisces is here to help you see the magic that is sprinkled across the world. In times of unraveling and disorder, it is Pisces that can sense that there is something more beautiful unfolding, and the answers will come in time. This poetic energy lives by the philosophy of “give it up to source.” Take these next few weeks to lean on the Universe, and ask it to hold onto your heaviest fears, pains, and worries. This can be a transformative time for you, Leo, as you become more comfortable with not being in control. You may have a tendency to show up with 110% of yourself, taking on life with a sense that you can never give up. This is admirable yet exhausting. Pisces season reminds you of the importance of loosening the reins and allowing life to unfold without your consistent input. This vulnerability may allow you time to rest, recover, and grow a deeper trust in the Universe’s support.    


After the weight of Aquarius season and the social responsibility it carries, Pisces season is here to help you find peace and serenity before the Astrological year truly begins. In order to embrace the soothing and renewing waters of Pisces, one has to be comfortable with the unexplainable, irrational, and the magical. This energy activates your sense of home and privacy, Sagittarius. An oasis locked away from the pressures outside the door, these next few weeks ask you to connect with your home. Treat your home like an entity in its own right. Learn its personality, its needs. Pay attention to how to care for your home environment so that it can care for you as well. Treat your home like you would treat a good friend. Note throughout the season how your relationship may be affected both with your environment, the other people who may be living in that environment, and with yourself. Look for the magic. 



Something that Taurus and Pisces energy have in common is the desire to create and live in serene environments. Taurus, you do this by taking the time to appreciate the sensory experience of our Earth. Pisces, on the other hand, is here to remind you of the beauty that lies in the realm of imagination. This is an energy that bathes in the unexplainable moments of life. Taurus, take these next few weeks to test the waters of your imagination. Embrace the unknown, and witness the magic for yourself. Pisces activates the part of you that desires connection with community and friendships. Use this season to recognize how you contribute to the greater world around you. In many ways, even though you have a naturally steady nature, you may be the romantic dreamer of your friend group. Lean into that romantic lens. Our imaginations can serve as the greatest protection from life’s unpredictable nature, and this is what Pisces Season 2025 may be bringing up for you this year. 


Pisces season this year asks you to approach your role in relationships more compassionately, Virgo. If you find yourself attempting to be exactly what someone else needs you to be: PAUSE. Have empathy for the situation. Trust that both people within the connection deserve grace, and neither of you owe the other perfection. This season encourages leaning into a sense of serenity that only comes from releasing the pressure to “fix” and “improve.” Having this time to release expectations will allow you to recover your energy before the rest of the year unfolds. Virgo, you are naturally inclined to solve problems and help out when you see the need for it. However, if you are not actively practicing self-care, you may lose yourself in the high expectation that you must make sacrifices for the greater good. Instead, lean into the chaos of this month, and let life sort itself out. Be kind and gentle with yourself if you cannot fulfill someone else's fantasy or vice versa. 


Do you believe in messages from the Universe? Do you have a way of communicating with magic? These are questions that may be on your mind this season, Capricorn. As the world outside may unravel, this season is encouraging you to believe in the unexplainable, and trust that time will make sense of everything. Pisces activates your sense of daily ritual, Capricorn. This is a time to pay attention to the synchronistic moments presented throughout the day. Find that string of meaning that ties everything together in a magical and irrational narrative. Pisces energy reminds you how important the use of imagination and belief can be to care for your whole being. Consider what kind of spiritual, soul-centered activities you may be able to add into your day to connect with this sense of serenity that is found within the well of your soul, rather than the concrete reality lying outside of you. Trust that you are part of a bigger collective story being told. If you feel comfortable, take some time to communicate with the Universe. Let her speak to you. 



Pisces energy can have a soothing effect in the right doses. Gemini, this season encourages you to create a peaceful inner environment in contrast to any uncertainty or anxiety brewing around the future of your accomplishments. Maybe you have no idea what you are working towards, or perhaps you do not believe in the work you are doing anymore. Either way, Pisces energy supports leaning into that uncertain energy and seeing the magic that lies there. These next few weeks ask you to create space from the expectations of external demands. Be it career oriented or other, Pisces season encourages you to create a serene and beautiful space within to protect you from the stress of responsibilities and duties that the world “out there” may be demanding of you. Take this time to engage in soothing activities, and disengage from demanding ones. There will be more than enough time to act in the following months. For now, use this time to dream, rest, and replenish your ambition.    


The wisdom within Pisces energy lies in the willingness to trust in the magic of time. As time passes, Pisces trusts that the answers will make themselves known. There will be signs that you can’t miss and feelings that are crystal clear. This season encourages you, Libra, to lean into the chaos and uncertainty that life is presenting to you right now. Everything will fall into place at some point. Pisces season is here to help you find peace within and flexibility without. For you Libra, this energy activates your relationship to your daily routine, productivity, and overall wellness. These next few weeks may present a need to find more rest in your everyday agenda. Try not to put your body through taxing activities if you can help it. Even within a busy schedule, take moments to be with your breath and locate that serenity within your body. Focus on easing your stress this season, Libra. Even in the smallest of ways, Pisces energy is here to help you feel renewed and replenished for the next Astrological cycle starting in March. Take this time to feel closer with your body than with daily demands. 


Remember that everything is interconnected, Aquarius. The Earth has been spinning for far longer than you have been here, and it will continue to spin far after you have moved on. Waves of people, plants, animals, thoughts, feelings, ideas, and beliefs were already in motion before you were born. Pisces season reminds you that you are riding on a wave that already exists. Don’t put too much weight on your shoulders. There is so little about your experience that is from your own doing. This can feel scary and defeating, or it can feel magical and open-ended. Allow yourself the room to feel both ways. These next few weeks are an opportunity to soothe your soul and fill yourself up with kindness and empathy. You are alive in order to respond and feel. Pisces energy reminds you that your time spent on Earth is deeply intertwined with all of the trees, breezes, flowers, bugs, and humans that are sharing this space with you. Feel held by these relationships, Aquarius. You are not riding this wave alone.  



It may be time for a solo trip, Cancer. Pisces season brings in the need to escape from stress, noise, and external pressure. We are caring for our souls for the next few weeks. For you, this energy highlights a need to take a break from the regular routine, and engage in something freeing. This is a meditative energy that encourages finding peace within. Cancer, if you can this season, try to spend some time going out into the world alone. Find that feeling of serenity within your own company. Whether it be a solo adventure through travel or simply going shopping in another town, take these moments of exploration to be free within yourself, and find peace internally.  


Pisces is the energy of magic. It is an energy that reminds us to feel the spiritual beauty in all experiences. For you, Scorpio, Pisces season brings your attention to the idea that each moment is precious and that life is to be enjoyed. You are here to be impacted by all of your experiences, but as a Scorpio, you are also here to express your heart, and make the most out of your time. Pisces season this year is asking you to care for your soul inwardly even as the world outside unravels. Engage in activities that bring you a sense of joyful peace and calm. These are the moments that you can get lost in to protect your spirit from the chaos you cannot control. Use the magical and whimsical energy of this Pisces season to believe in the romance of life. If you can escape into a dream, you can protect the soul within.   


Isn’t it fitting Pisces, that the beginning of your personal year aligns with the end of the Astrological year for the collective? This is the kind of space you may be used to living within as your energy embodies innocence and wisdom all in one. Life is meant to be felt, Pisces. You know more than anyone the meaning that is sitting in every moment. This time of year allows you to return to yourself and remember what your energy offers the environment around you. Pisces season this year will support all of us in creating peace within as the outside world unravels. For you, Pisces, you have the ability to embody that serenity in your presence. Your life journey is directed towards becoming comfortable with uncertainty by going with the flow and deriving spiritual wisdom from each experience. Pisces, you are connected to your soul and set an example for the rest of us on how to detach from unnecessary suffering. Be the peace you wish to see in the world, Pisces, and believe in your own magic. 



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