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Libra Season Horoscopes


This seasonal energy encourages you to reconnect with your inner child. Libra season supports a romantic perspective of life. During the next few weeks, there is an opportunity to focus on bringing enthusiasm into your experience. Pay attention to what relationships provide a freedom to be playful without judgment. The safe people in your life are those that allow you to indulge in humor and leisure without requiring an explanation. The most fun can be had often when there is no point. It’s not about a goal, it is just about the joy of the experience. Consider if you have people in your life that you can connect with on this unserious level. The moments that bring lightness and joy into your life are the moments that can revitalize your energy. Take this season to consider how to respect this human need for play in your own life.


Is there any way that you can rearrange your time to make space for joyful connections?  What does mutual respect look like in playful experiences? How do you harmonize your personal needs for excitement and creative fulfillment with the demands of the external world? 


For the next few weeks, the driver’s seat has returned to you, Libra. This season is your annual alignment check-in. At the beginning of Autumn, which is when Libra season comes into focus each year, the direction of your life becomes the main topic. This is about checking in with yourself and taking an honest look at how aligned you feel on this current path. Are you living a life that feels representative of your identity? Take this energy as an opportunity to reconnect with your sense of self and trust that you will know if the path before you still feels sincere or if it has become an obligation. Notice who in your life encourages you to trust yourself and who in your life may cause doubt or fear. Libra season is a chance to take a closer look at the relationships that allow you to choose your own path but offer support when you make mistakes or hit a roadblock. Also, notice the relationships that, even if well-intentioned, are imposing decisions onto you and not giving you the room to learn from your own trials, errors, and triumphs.


How do you harmonize your energy with that of your current environment? What does it look like to have mutual respect for opposing personalities?


Okay, Aquarius, think about your relationship to freedom. Think about your relationship to exploration. Libra energy brings up these topics for you. Throughout this season, focus on the opportunities that are coming that allow you to break out of the daily routine. As Autumn begins, this is a time each year for you to say “Yes!” Approaching life with an openness will serve you this season. More specifically, Libra energy offers the most support when you are ready to expand your perspective. This can be a rewarding moment within this year when time is spent stretching your life experience. Focus on the relationships that support your expansion and notice the relationships that may confine you. Notice the people in your life that feel safe to explore fresh ideas and experiences with.


What are you seeking to explore about fairness, justice, and respect? How do you harmonize your personal beliefs with culturally opposing beliefs?


Libra season shines a light on your sense of rootedness, Cancer. This is a time of year that encourages you to consider the state of your sacred space. Each of us needs a space that allows us to recharge and to return to after a long day filled with external demands. A place of reprieve is what you are being encouraged to contemplate this season. With Libra activating this human need for separation between societal responsibilities and the comfort of “home.” Cancer energy is actually looking to be nourished by mental tranquility within your personal sacred space. So, this season calls for you to get clearer on what in your home environment may be preventing this calm state.  Pay attention to the other people you may share a space with and how they do or do not show respect to your needs when it comes to privacy and recharging. 


What does it look like to have mutual respect amongst family members? How do you harmonize your needs with the needs of your family,especially when they directly oppose yours?



Libra represents a part of you that has an easier time being heard in quiet moments of meditation or deeper introspection. Breaking away from the noise of the daily demands is encouraged this month. In these moments of solitude, there is an opportunity to strengthen the trust in your inner knowing. In particular, knowing how to bring ease to any internal argument. Reaching a level of mental peace within  can happen when you remove yourself from the noise of the external world. Your inner world, then, can become a consistent place of harmony and balance. This provides a reliable time and space away from outer demands that can help you hold onto your sanity. This Libra season is another opportunity to build this trust in your own ability to be your own source of equilibrium.


What does it look like to have mutual respect between yourself and the universe? How do you harmonize your personal need for certainty with the universe's unknowable patterns? How do you treat your mental wellness fairly?


Libra season is a very healing time of year for you, Pisces. This energy is supportive of your healing process by encouraging the easing into emotional truths. Libra season is a moment within the year to check in with what parts of you are being kept in the dark and struggling for fresh air. If there are any emotional cycles or thought patterns that are desperate to be heard, you are supported now, more than the rest of the year, to express. Therefore, release what has been burdening you. Pisces can be the Soul of the zodiac, witnessing life through both naive and experienced eyes. This creates a natural tendency to be in flow with Divine timing. However, Libra offers the opportunity to become more in touch with snapping out of this dreamy wandering and gain some mental clarity. With the support of safe people who you can trust when you are feeling vulnerable, this season can allow you to lift the burden of isolation that can so often develop because of the Pisces tendency to drift off into another world.


What does it mean to have mutual respect within intimacy? How do you harmonize your depth with another’s? How do you hold space for a just and fair amount of your partner’s emotional depth without becoming entangled with their baggage? 


As we move into Autumn, this is a time of year for you, Aries, to focus on your sense of wholeness. Each zodiac sign has a designated partner on the other side of the wheel. For you, this is Libra. Both of these energies complete each other and offer what the other lacks. So, every year, around this time, it is your chance, Aries, to focus on how your opposite energy can add to your life. This can usually be reflected in your close relationships between partners or friends. As you embody instinct and inspiration, there can be an inherent trust in the potential of your capabilities. A willingness to be an active participant in life and make decisions from an inner knowing are both qualities that you are meant to embody. In close partnerships and close friendships, it may become apparent that your purely independent streak may ruffle the feathers of others from time to time. Libra season is designed to help add to your experience by encouraging mutually beneficial discussions. Learning to be both guided by your personal gut instinct while also leaving some room for considering the thoughts and suggestions of the people who are closest to you are essential for your growth and well-being.


What does mutual respect look like to you in close partnerships? How do you share space with others fairly? When does it become imbalanced for you?


Moving into Libra season, this is a time of year that encourages you to focus on the quality of your daily experience by paying more attention to what is occurring in the minutes and hours of each day. This season, in particular, offers you the opportunity to examine the quality of your conversations. An engaging discussion allows all parties to share their perspective and be heard. Take time this season to consider who actually hears you when you share your perspective. This includes those who may not agree with your opinions, yet they give you the time and space to make your point. Consider what kind of freedom this may or may not provide for you. Also, pay attention to how often you truly listen to others and whether or not you agree with their points. Are you listening? 



What does mutual respect look like to you in active conversations? How do you respectfully contribute to the conversation and share your story? When does a discussion become imbalanced for you?


As Autumn begins in Libra Season, this is a time of year that encourages your involvement within a community. Connecting with like-minded people can offer support that is purely inspirational if the group is healthy. This is a season that supports some examination of your relationship to community. Paying attention to who encourages your higher aspirations and who dismisses them. Libra energy is here to guide you towards supportive groups that provide a sense of togetherness and harmony. Take the time this season to consider if you are a part of groups like these and if you would like to be or not. Notice how supportive groups can offer rewarding challenges that allow you to be creative and inspired to act. Connecting with like-minded people can begin an inner child healing process, allowing an inspired playfulness to have room for expression. 



What does mutual respect look like to you in community, groups, and organizations? 

What makes a respectful community member? How do you contribute to the fairness of the group?


Both Libra and Taurus are ruled by the Planet Venus. Sharing a ruler connects these two signs in a unique way as both energies are influenced by the Venusian desire for pleasure, beauty, and peace. This season encourages you to focus on your daily sense of wellness. Pay attention to how your environment may impact your ability to manage stress. Typically, stress is a part of life. However, stress can be a guide that clearly identifies for you what you may be attaching a sense of urgency to. This can then lead to questioning if this task must happen right now or if it can wait. Take note of the relationships in your life that feel safe to relax in and allow you to take your time. Notice the relationships that activate a sense of urgency and pressure to rush through the day. Of course, our daily lives will require productivity; however, this season encourages you to discover how to find harmony between that pressure to rush and a trust that everything will get done eventually. 



What does mutual respect look like in your daily work environment? How do you compliment your coworkers' needs with your own? Who are people in your life that respect your need to manage stress?


During this Libra Season there is encouragement to focus on how you are supporting your current lifestyle. This is a time of year to pay attention to what you rely on to make ends meet. With Libra energy bringing these themes to the surface. Virgo, you tend to rely on the good rapport you create with others to help you maintain a flow of resources. Virgo energy prioritizes being considerate, competent, and helpful while solving problems. Libra energy also values thoughtful connections and mutually beneficial support. Throughout the next few weeks, reflect on how your ability to find solutions and to find ways of collaborating with others works in tandem to maintain the lifestyle you desire to live. This is an energy that serves to strengthen your self-worth. Trust in your ability to communicate with others effectively and thoughtfully.



What does mutual respect look like when you exchange your resources with others? How do you harmonize your personal lifestyle needs with the demands of practical survival?


This is the culmination of your personal Astrology year, Capricorn. Libra season offers an annual check-in with your relationship to worldly responsibilities. The world can demand our time and energy even when our cup is full. In addition, some circumstances require us to have awareness of consequences that may be long-lasting. Libra energy brings the focus towards how you have responded to the demands placed on you this year. Check-in and take note of when you responded to a substantial call to action in a way that you can feel good about. The results of your actions may or may not have been ideal, but you can feel proud of the way that you responded to a circumstance where your control over the outcome was limited. How can you show yourself gratitude for your willingness to handle an important demand with grace? Also, pay attention to the relationships in your life that celebrate your perseverance, but do not demand it from you. Notice those who recognize your efforts whether you meet your goal or not and notice those who demand proof that you are worthy of recognition. 



What does mutual respect look like to you in the workplace between bosses and employees? How does status play into respect for you? How do you harmonize your needs and your personal ambitions with the culturally expected duties and responsibilities that have to be done?  

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