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Leo Horoscopes for all Signs!


Leo season encourages you to remember the wishes of your inner child, Aries. How can you feed your heart this season with times of joy and celebration? Leo energy is here to support playfulness, silliness and engaging dramatically with the life around you.  This is a time of year that focuses on how to make the most of your free time. Life is ever complicated, worrisome, but also boring and mundane. This Leo season allows you to try prioritizing your heart if you haven’t been able to in a while. How would you choose to live if your heart could be at the center of every decision?  


You are reclaiming your stage this Summer, Leo. This is your energy after all. Coming back home to yourself is the theme of this season. You are here to embody this energy for everyone and show us the way. You  are here to show everyone how to live with our hearts first. What does that look like for you? Leo energy encourages you to be the Main Character in its healthiest version. How can your life decisions become more heart-centered? How can you trust that your presence matters and use that to energize a room?  


This Leo Season encourages you to believe in your own growth, Sagittarius.  Reclaiming the confidence of being the Main Character of your life, you are encouraged to believe in opportunity and create your own adventures moving forward. This season can help aid you in believing in joy and celebration once more. As a Saggitarius, you really do create your own luck. Leo season reminds you that your desire to have experiences that are out of the ordinary is a way for you to expand your understanding of life and people. You become a fuller version of yourself when you allow yourself to create your journey as a learning opportunity. Reflect during this Leo Season how much exploration revitalizes and feeds your heart for the better.   


As we move further into Summer, Leo season comes to highlight your home. Family, ancestry, and even privacy in general may be the themes this season. How has your home life, both in childhood and now, impacted your sense of creative freedom and self-confidence? How much of your heart do you allow yourself to center in matters of the home and your private space? Leo supports knowing that you matter and acting like it. This is a time to consider how much of your home is a safe space to hold your heart and if there is anything you can change to accommodate your truest nature.    


Virgo can often have the most trouble accessing Leo energy. For you, this season supports more quiet time and more time in solitude. Meditative activities that help you zone out in a healthy way can help you connect with your creativity. In these safe spaces away from outside opinions and suggestions, you may find it easier to hear and listen to your heart. Leo energy encourages you to spend some time alone and recharge your energy through creative outlets. Being playful may come easier to you when away from other voices, expectations and pressures. Take this time to remove yourself from the noise when you can and make space for your heart to show even if it is in complete solitude.  


As a Capricorn energy, you tend to focus on what needs to get done and what will move you closer to your goals. As much as Capricorn can be ambitious, this energy also prioritizes preserving what is important to you by building a solid structure of resources and success to keep unwanted influences out of your life. Capricorn cares a lot but doesn’t always show it outwardly.  As Leo season approaches, this is an energy that prioritizes playfulness and celebration as a means to protect and preserve what is important. This time of year encourages you to reflect on the fear you may have of being more openly playful and creative. Are you hiding behind seriousness to avoid healing? How can Leo energy help you feel more comfortable with celebration for the sake of creating joy?


As we continue moving through the Summer heat, this Leo season encourages you to focus on your daily activities. How much of your heart is present in your day-to-day movement? This is an energy that is asking you to consider how you can center your heart, and therefore, your sense of vitality in your day -to- day affairs. Leo is teaching you how to value your experience by allowing yourself to be the main character in your story. When you know that you matter and that your presence has an impact, you may start making decisions differently.  This can affect what content you consume. How can you let your favorite shows, music, local restaurants, etc. feed your heart? 



Libra, for you this Leo Season asks you to pay attention to how much of your heart goes into your friendships and community. Libra is an energy that is naturally attuned to what the social landscape needs. As you move through this season, you are supported in reminding yourself that your presence in these types of groups is impactful, or it can be where you remember how much you matter. Libras have the potential to shine as leaders of clubs and communities due to that innate ability to embody a guiding light. Your creative endeavors have the potential to be inspiring and moving to something bigger than yourself. Reflect on how comfortable you are with being the center of attention in this way.   


Leo Season is the time of year where the focus shifts towards your close partners and friendships. The people who are not family but may know you even better than your own family. Leo energy tends to highlight these connections. Whether you are currently in a partnership or not, Leo energy encourages you to think about how your one-on-one relationships impact your sense of confidence. Many times, Aquarius is more focused on observing reality through the lens of ideas rather than being in the center of an experience. Thus, you may find it hard to approach life as if you were the main character. That can feel unnatural and even meaningless to you. However, what Leo energy teaches you is that acknowledging how much your presence matters and has an impact.  Actually, this aids you in the more Aquarian desires of progress for humanity. Take time to contemplate how your close friends and partners may aid you in becoming more comfortable with being the center of attention and prioritizing your heart.


Leo energy activates your sense of self-esteem and ability to support your desired lifestyle. This may be a time that asks you to focus on how much you trust your own abilities. Can you lean on yourself and trust that you will always have your own back? Leo energy will support you in reflecting on how much you believe that you deserve to own, to experience, and to be in this life. This energy is here to remind you that what you want to own for yourself matters. Especially if you are coming from the heart, then your desired lifestyle and the resources needed to maintain that life are important as they help you hold onto vitality and creativity. 



As Leo Season reminds us all of how our presence matters, for you Scorpio, this energy highlights how your relationship to achievement impacts your ability to be heart-centered. In this life, trusting that joy and goodness can be real and that you can create these experiences on your own.  Scorpio and Leo have the same passion for life; however, they have different means of expressing this passion. Leo represents triumph and victory in the face of adversity by creating joy from within. Scorpio represents triumph and victory by allowing adversity to deepen our connection to life and creating from that self-aware space. Leo tends to use joy and celebration as tools to overcome challenges. Do you let yourself do the same?    


Leo is here to teach us how to feel comfortable taking up space and being the main character. This is very different from how Pisces energy chooses to approach life. However, this season marks a supportive time of year to allow yourself the room to ‘matter’. What happens when we stop believing that we matter? Well, one possibility would be the lack of motivation to care for our health and well-being. We may fall out of sorts with our daily routines because we do not consider that our presence is impactful or meaningful. This Leo Season invites you to center your heart in your daily decisions. If you can trust that you matter, you can find more willingness to engage creatively with the life around you day to day and take care of your needs. 

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